Three years of flying

This month marks 3 years since I started flying, so following on from the first two posts, I thought I would recap what I have managed to achieve.
Brighton en route to Lydd

  1. I finished my ATPL exams – These exams were one of the most difficult things that I have ever done. What made it worse is that they were being done around a full-time job. It took me 2 years to finish but I am so happy I managed to pass them all.
  2. CPL ME IR course – I am currently on the IR part of my CPL ME IR course, a course which I hope to complete very soon.
    The learning curve has been quite steep but I am enjoying the challenge of it. It finally feels like I am becoming a “real” pilot.
  3. Visited more airfields – I have stretched my wings and visited many more airfields this year. I am a much more confident pilot these days, but I guess that is natural with more experience.

All in all, I have made good progress during this year and I hope that bigger and better things lie ahead in year 4. I am looking forward to doing an MCC / JOC course and to finally be able to apply for flying jobs.

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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