Quick update

Hi all, I am humbled by the number of messages I have received asking how I am and what is happening. I know this blog has been quiet (ok dead) for the last few months but the please rest assured that I have more updates to come and news that I hope to be able to report shortly.
Brighton en route to Lydd
First up will be my revalidation of my ME IR which I will be doing next month, so I will be spending a lot of my time preparing for that and getting back up to speed. I am doing this in the simulator (as you can every other year) which will mean that my MEP expires but I don’t foresee a need for an MEP rating going forward. When complete I will, of course, write up my experiences in regards to this.
Apart from this, I have been working on doing some SEP flying in my C150 as I will have to revalidate my SEP by April of next year, so I need a minimum of 12 hours (1 with an instructor).
So a short and sweet update but I haven’t forgotten about this blog and I hope I will have more constructive posts to add to it in due course.


Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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