PPL lesson 29: Solo Circuits

Another weekend, therefore another lesson at the flying school. I had PPL lesson 29: Solo Circuits.

G-bmvb tied down

We were supposed to do a navigation however being a bank holiday the M1 decided to put an end to that, as it took around an hour just to go 3 junctions on the motorway due to an accident.
Being a bank holiday, the planes were fully booked so the only thing I had enough time to do was to do some solo circuits.
I was in G-BMVB which is a plane I have a love and hate relationship with.
The circuit was pretty full also being a bank holiday with most of the planes in my school were in use as well as a few visitors also.
I only did 4 touch and goes today and to be honest there isn’t really much to report.
We had a slight crosswind on landing which was good as I got some time to practice my crosswind landing technique.
My lesson was back with one of my two normal instructors due to time changes etc but I am now over the 30 hour mark which is pretty good. The minimum you need to do your test is 45 hours.
In fact my instructor says that all we need to work on now is the navigation consolidation which is good to hear.
Unfortunately I discovered that I won’t be able to fly two weekends in April. One is because the airport will be closed for works and then the next I have to work. This is pretty disappointing considering what a vital part of training we are at now.
I have lessons booked all over the bank holiday weekend however the weather forecast says that it might get pretty bad from tomorrow afternoon, we shall see.

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

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