Pilots, what’s in your flight bag?

Flight bag
All this stuff is in there I promise

This is a question that will vary from pilot to pilot and the further we progress I’m sure it will change. I thought it would be cool to have a post where I share what I carry in my flight bag and other pilots can chip in with what they have in theirs.
So Pilots, what’s in your flight bag?

I have reluctantly sold my Venue 11 pro and replaced it with an Ipad mini 2.
I have purchased a smaller scale ruler & a Casio GT 85 calculator.

11/2/16 – 17hrs into a PPL

David Clark H10-13.4’s in a headset bag – Super comfortable headset and in my opinion one of the best passive headsets you can get.
Map of the local area – It’s always nice to know where you are going!
CRP-5, Scale ruler and square protractor – Knowing where you want to go is only half the battle, you need to work out how to get there!
Knee board – Have you tried to write on your knee while flying? I have, it doesn’t work.
Pens – Pens always going missing when you need them the most. A pack of twelve may last you 2 flights if you are lucky.
Dell Venue 11 pro 7140 – I love this hybrid tablet. The base also has an additional battery so I have full windows 10, 4gb ram, 128gb SSD and 64gb flash memory, Core M processor, wireless AC, touchscreen and an all day battery!
C152 checklist – To make sure that the plane is configured correctly and everything is working as it should.
Log book – To log these expensive hours down.
Copy of my medical – In case someone asked.
10,000 mah portable battery – When I am away from a plug, my phone still needs to be charged.
Samsung Galaxy Note 4 – Well this is more of in my pocket but it is always with me. It also has useful apps like Avia Weather.
Sunglasses – Being England I don’t need these that often 🙂
Xaomi Yi Camera, Olympus dictaphone and camera mount – Eventually I will start getting some video of these flights!

Wow, it is only after writing this down that I realise how much stuff is actually in my bag! Is this normal? What do you guys and girls carry?

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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