I have not actually made a post for a while, because there hasn’t been anything to post about. However, after the best part of 2 and a half months, I finally have my licence!
I applied at the start of November for my licence but the CAA have been taken absolutely ages to send them. Towards the end of December after 39 working days, they decided to actually take a look at my application.
They said the application was correct but they could not send it as my medical was now suspended (just days before due to surgery).
3 weeks after the surgery I managed to get a report from the surgeon, send it to my AME and get my medical back. I called the CAA and asked for my licence to be sent to me and after a little back and forth they agreed to send it out immediately.
I waited for it over the next few days and nothing turned up, so I decided to call them again. I was told that they were not sure why it has not been sent, but to call back tomorrow. I did so and after a bit of back and forth, it was finally dispatched.
I just need to complete my MCC/JOC which is booked for the 5th of February. I am hoping for a cancelation on the earlier course but I don’t think that is looking likely at the moment, unfortunately.
Not much longer to go and I should be able to put some applications in at long last!