Avia weather – aviation weather app

One of the great things about pilots is we are always learning from each other and sharing things that we have discovered.
I was recently looking for a weather app for my android phone and came across this app Avia Weather.
The Avia Weather – Aviation weather app is a very easy way to get METAR’s and TAF’s for 9500 airports around the world.
It will provide you with information in raw or decoded format, so you can have a quick look and see the conditions if you haven’t learned or do not want to decode the raw data. I personally keep the default on the raw data so that my skills do not get rusty and when the time comes I am still quick at reading the Metar and Taf data.

Avia weather METAR and TAF

There is even a handy icon that shows if the weather is IFR or VFR conditions.
This is a great way to check the conditions at the airfield from your phone before you head up there for a lesson or a flight.
The best part of the app is that it is totally free from the Google play store. Sorry iPhone users but I didn’t see a version for you on the iTunes store but I am sure that there are alternatives available.
You can add your favourite airports so they are right in the screen when the app loads so you do not have to dig around or search for them.

avia weather decoded

Basically, if you are a pilot with an android phone then get Avia Weather downloaded right now.
You can also pay for a widget so that the information is available right on your home screen. The cost of this at the time of writing is £1.49.
As the developer who is an aerospace engineering student develops the app for free there is also an option in the menu to donate to him.

Avia Weather gets a 5/5 from me and I think it is essential for any Android user.


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The essential flight training guide

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