ATPL Theory Month 3: Meteorology and General Navigation

Just an update from me about ATPL theory month 3: Meteorology and General Navigation.

ATPL Theory Month 3 - Instrumentation and General Navigation

As you can see from the graph I am making great progress through the module and am scheduled to complete it mid September. I must admit I thought that Meteorology was quite complicated however then I started General Navigation which is normally referred to as Gen Nav.
I don’t really have the words to describe my initial feelings however this GIF does a pretty good job.

Gen Nav blew my mind, this is where the maths comes into play, big time.
There are areas you have to draw graphs, areas you have to use the CRP-5, areas you need to use the calculator, you need to know formulas, division factors and there are areas you have to spend time working out what exactly they are even trying to ask you!
I have booked my revision week for November and will take the exams the first week of December. I must admit this subject has me the most worried of the four I have to take. I have a lot of time to practice and get up to scratch before then and I anticipate that a lot of the time will be spent on Gen Nav.
I think the best way to go about Gen Nav is to hit the question banks, not to learn the answers to the questions as they could easily change figures, but so that you can work out how to answer the questions constantly. Literally keep practising until you can work them out! When you can’t work something out go back to the material and relearn, I don’t see any other way to go about this.
It has been a pretty intense 3 months studying before and after work to get to this point but at least the first part of module 1 is almost at an end.


Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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