ATPL Theory Month 13

After sitting my last set of exams early in June I got cracking with ATPL theory month 13.

mod 3 progress

I had originally intended to sit this next set of exams in October, however due to the fact the CAA decided to make a load of changes to the exams I have moved these forward to September and will now be going to the module three revision week at the end of July.
I am now working hard to get through the material in the software before the course as it is a pre requirement to attend the revision week. I have also departed from my usual material first then question bank method and I am now doing the question banks at the same time as the material due to having less time before I need to sit the exams.
The exams I will be sitting next are Mass and Balance, Performance, Principles of flight and VFR communications.
I am not find it too bad so far apart from Mass and Balance where it seems every time I learn a new formula I see to forget the previous one I learnt. I still have 2 months before the exams, so I hope this will be resolved by then.
I will basically do the same throughout July and put in lots of practice to do my best to get up to scratch. It would be nice if EASA and the CAA could stop moving the goal posts while I am doing the exams, but that is unlikely to happen.
Also on an unrelated note, this weather this year sucks. It is July and I am looking out the window at low grey clouds, this makes hour building impossible and if things don’t change soon I may have to look into going abroad as I still have 80 hours to build.

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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