CPL ME IR: Week 5


A recap of CPL ME IR: Week 5. So this week I have started and almost completed my CPL. I believe I have 3 or so hours left to do. My instructor and I have flown everyday bar two, one where the weather was bad and the other which was his day off. It is … Read more

CPL ME IR: Week 4


I can’t believe I have already been here a month, this is crazy. Here is the update of CPL ME IR: Week 4. I have made very good progress this week as I have completed my MEP training. We did 4 flights of around 1.5 hours each. There is a lot going on in a … Read more

CPL ME IR: Week 3

Bartolini Air

A short recap of CPL ME IR: Week 3. Days 14-21 Unfortunately, there is not much to say about this week. I had to return to England from Wednesday-Sunday so there was no flying done at all. On Monday I spent my time revising for the IR test which I sat on Tuesday and thankfully … Read more

CPL ME IR: Week 2

Bartolini Air

Another week down so this is a recap of CPL ME IR: Week 2 Day 8 – 14 So I can pretty much sum up the entire week in two words, IR Prep. We have been in a classroom with Adam all week who has been giving us lectures on the IR theory side of … Read more

CPL ME IR: Week 1

Salsa 2

Bloody hell, this week has absolutely flown by, I literally haven’t had a min to myself. However here is a roundup of CPL ME IR: Week 1. I am studying at Bartolini Air in Lodz, Poland. Day 1 We met at the school and spent half the day getting to know each other, how the … Read more

Hour Building Update

G-CSBM Fenland

It has been a while so I thought I would do a quick hour building update. As things stand I have 21 hours left to do to make the 150 required for the CPL to start. I haven’t been able to fly the share aircraft as it has been away in the shop for at … Read more

How to pass the ATPL theory exams

Navigation planning

Well, this post has been a long time coming, this is my advice on how to pass the ATPL theory exams. To be honest, I wasn’t even totally sure that I was even going to get to write this post due to having 1 exam to pass on my last sitting. However, things went well … Read more

ATPL Theory Month 25: POF Results

Hi everyone, a very quick update here for ATPL Theory Month 25: POF Results. POF – 81% I have been so stressed with this exam, I have been at it none stop for 8 weeks after failing it twice. However I feel I was much better prepared this time around and even after making a … Read more