No flying due to airport closure

The skies are blue, the visibility is great, I have the day off, so of course there is no flying due to airport closure.
Out the window
I must admit since I have started to learning I realise that not being able to fly is way more frustrating as a pilot then it ever was as a passenger.
The lighting system has failed at the airport and needs to be repaired which is taking the airport out of action for the entire weekend.
I have decided to use the time to study towards my Radio Telephony exam as that will also need to be passed in the next few months.
I am also looking to purchase an Ipad mini 2 cellular as there seems to be a lot of great apps that make flying easier. You need the cellular model as that has a GPS chip built in and saves your messing around with additional GPS receivers (being apple only a few are supported).
I think that really the 16gb will be too small so I will also need a 32gb version at least.
I managed to get a really good deal on an Ipad Mini kneeboard on eBay. It was brand new and worked out about 75% less than the cost of buying it from the online flight shops.
The other reason I am picking the Ipad over an Android is that the two ground schools I am looking at only provide Apple apps, which to be fair in 2016 is just not good enough.
It is even worse when you consider that Android devices outsell Apple devices.
Anyways, time to crack open the CAP 413 and start learning what I should really be saying and when!

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

2 thoughts on “No flying due to airport closure”

  1. What a frustrating weekend for you, what with lovely calm weather and blue skies but no working airport 🙁 Somehow it’s not so bad to be cracking the books when it’s raining, eh…?


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