UK Radio Telephony License

Now that I have finished my PPL exams and I am progressing through my PPL I need to invest some time into being ready for the UK radio telephony license.
This license is a practical test that is designed to test your knowledge and that you are proficient in using the radio.
I am quite lucky in the fact that the airport where I train has ATC so I am picking up a lot of what I need to know naturally.
I have been scouring the internet for resources to learn from and during my search I have come across the following documents.

  1. Cap 413 – This is the UK CAA’s document that covers the use of radio in the UK. If you can’t find what you are looking for in this document then chances are you will never find it.
    On the downside it is HUGE! 374 pages, so it will take a long time to read through.
  2. Eurocontrol Phrasology Guide – I found this guide by Eurocontrol which seems to be a handy, straight to the point and most importantly free reference guide in regards to radio calls.
    This looks really good and is the document I am going to study first before moving on top the CAP 413 to fill in the gaps.
  3. Radiotelephony Saftey Sense Leaflet – I discovered this which I found very useful as it’s a CAA document with an example RT exam! Priceless for study.
  4. Radiotelephony study manual – The last thing I came across was the radio telephony study manual. There are quite a few versions of this and the newest version seems to retail around £17.

Between these 3 things and practice while flying I would think it would be enough to pass the UK radio telephony exam.
I will not be taking my test for at least a few weeks so in the meantime I will get cracking on with the guides and will update this post with any other material I find in the meantime.

Edit – I have passed my radio telephony and have written this post on how to pass your radio telephony exam.

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