PPL Lesson 9: Circuits

Cranfield Flying School Fleet

Today I attempted to do PPL Lesson 9: Circuits. I say attempted because we managed a total of 1 circuit before the tower told us that we had to land due to the cloud being bad (800ft).
This was disappointing, however I got something from the day as my instructor worked with me on my radio calls, something that I am going to practice during the week.
I used this time to speak to him about his career and how it has all worked out so far.
He trained on the modular route at Oxford which is one of the big schools here in the UK. I found out that he has had one interview at Jet2 where he made it to the final 9. Unfortunately he didn’t make it into the chosen 5 because he didn’t do so great on the sim. He told me, that if he could do it again he would have had more sim prep time.
When speaking to him I can see his passion and how much he wants this and I can’t help but think I could end up in the same position in 2 years time.
However, we only have one life and you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take.
This is the great thing about talking to other pilots, every single one of them has something new to tell you. I now know if I get an interview to make sure I book some sim time and practice, practice, practice before I go.
I have re-booked a lesson for tomorrow so hopefully it will go ahead and I will have something new to write.
As my day was cut short I will continue reading aircraft general knowledge for my PPL exams. Ideally in the next 2 weeks or so I can sit this and also the principle of flight exams.

Thinking of training via the modular route? Or started and still have questions? Then read The Essential Modular Flight Training Guide.

The essential flight training guide

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